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July 1, 2024

Rethinking Customer Service: Transforming Transactions into Fan Relationships

Wilfried Rijsemus

As experienced builders of customer community programs, 3sides has engaged in fruitful dialogues with customer support and call center teams, providing us with valuable insights into the evolution and opportunities within this space.

The growing gap between customer expectations and the resources available to support managers and directors presents a pressing challenge. While efficient case handling and case deflection remain key topics of discussion, the emergence of AI adds a new layer to the evolving landscape of customer service.

AI, undoubtedly, will play a pivotal role in driving and improving case deflection and meeting the transactional needs of customers at an accelerated pace. However, it is essential to recognize the potential implications of solely relying on AI-driven solutions.

Humans are by default social creatures. We believe that the human touch and authentic interactions will continue to be crucial for building strong customer relationships. Communities of the future will be about the top layer, where a sense of belonging and being connected matters.

AI at large will drive a need for authenticity and real human interaction. People should be real and content should be true before humans are willing to engage.

While AI is adept at addressing the bottom transactional layer of community needs, such as satisfying a knowledge need, it is equally important to acknowledge the inherent impersonal nature of case deflection. This approach, while saving time for the support team, runs the risk of alienating customers from the organization in the long run.

To address this, we propose a strategic shift towards transforming customers into fans through a 5-step logic, which aims to create high-value interactions and foster a sense of belonging:

  1. Embrace Customer Engagement: Instead of viewing customer contact as a burden, recognize it as an opportunity to deliver a superior experience and build lasting relationships.
  2. Use Case Deflection to Create Value: While streamlining immediate resolutions is important, leverage the freed-up resources to engage customers in meaningful dialogues that add value to their experience.
  3. Empower Customers to Share Ideas: Provide customers with a platform to share their ideas and actively involve them in the enhancement process. This fosters a sense of ownership and satisfaction among customers. Transparently share with customers the status, progress and viability their ideas.
  4. Offer a place for people to network and connect and talk about what is on their mind: Elevate customer interactions from the transactional level to a space where they can connect, share experiences, and contribute positively to the community.
  5. Recognize and Reward Customer Advocacy: Identify and acknowledge customers who bring exceptional value to your organization, contributing to branding, churn prevention, growth, and innovation.

In essence, while AI-driven solutions and case deflection pave the way for efficient transactions, it's imperative to view customer support as a conduit for nurturing fan relationships. This transformation is essential to meet the increasing demands of customers while ensuring their continued engagement and loyalty.

We invite you to share your experiences and perspectives, allowing us to refine our approach further. Feel free to leave a comment or schedule a meeting to engage in this crucial dialogue.

Together, let's reshape the landscape of customer support and propel our organizations towards a future where customers evolve into fervent fans. We look forward to collaborating with you on this transformative journey.

“If we ever pulled the plug on Verint Community, there would be an immediate ‘red light’ alert with our leadership team. The community is a vital asset in helping Micro Focus deliver a highly engaging experience, innovate faster, and reduce costs.”

Raquel Winkler, Community Manager, OpenText

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